Um Caminho Seguro Para Os Nossos Dias...

Em meio a um coro de tantas vozes e caminhos dúbios, buscaremos juntos uma trilha segura para o crescimento espiritual e teológico da nossa nação!

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Reasons for studying Theology in E.T.R

It's the end of another school year and I want to reflect about the mission of ETR in the context of theological education in Brazil.
The Reformed Theological School came up with a three-fold mission:
a) to serve the church of Christ, growing their leaders theologically;
b) preparing Christians to understand and act in their cities, in a biblical and culturally contextualized way, in order to develop their calling as prophets of God in their culture;
c) develop an educational project that unites the profound theological knowledge with piety, devotion and mission.

Guided by this three-fold mission, E.T.R. set up a curriculum that focuses at the same time:

Disciplines - forming of the Christian worldview in Christian life, such as Old and New Testament Worldview, Reformed Systematic Theology and Church History (basic disciplines), but also disciplines that help Christians to understand and act in its context as Philosophy, Aplogética, Discipleship, Missions and Theology and Spirituality in Brazil.

More specifically, our students have received a reading of these subjects from a reformed perspective and covenant that we deem most biblically consistent that provides the best categories for a understanding worldviews, in line with major issues and dilemmas of contemporary society.

The educational structure of the ETR is not centralized. We do not want to develop our educational proposal restricted to Barra da Tijuca. We are born with the vocation to serve the church of Christ, where the difficulties of training leaders tend to be more significant. Therefore, we have developed the slogan that "your local church can become a new campus for training of leaders." Accordingly, we formed a group of the intensive course, in Campo Grande, and also started a new extension at Miguel Couto, in the Baixada Fluminense.

Finally, we also believe that we are born with the vocation to serve the church through the ministry of small workshops, as for example, the intensive course (two years), the summer course in Miguel Couto, to be held in January and February, and counseling course for couples and families who have a continuity in June next year in addition to English courses with excellent teachers and fair prices.

Do not forget the potential of the virtual world. Therefore, we are finalizing the new web page, through which we develop distance courses.

For these reasons, we address local church leaders, offering us theologically to receive and train their leaders. But also to the Christians of this city, believing in our training school will find a biblical, missional, culturally relevant and consistent.

The Reformed Theological School is not only a School of Theology, is a big family, where great men and women become great Christians. The E.T.R or part of your life!

Go to our blog, become a follower, and come to this great educational proposal that will transform your life!

João Cardoso
Dean, ETR

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